Monday, December 31, 2012

Halloween Treat found in December

     Who knew I would be bringing home a treasured shoe box of memories from this last visit back home. My mom and I sat down at the dining room table last week, during our family Christmas, and went through an box of old and some not so old, photos.

     It was quite funning hearing the comments from my kids about their grandparents, great-grandparents, even my husband and I. We had a wonderful time laughing and trying to remember who some of the people were and where some of those photos were taken. If you remember last month I posted about seeking a photo of my grandparents or parents during Halloween. Well jack pot we found one in that old shoe box of photos. It took her only a few minutes to remember that it was a Halloween photo, I’m so happy. It was taken in 1960 and I believe it was at her house in the living room, she was dressed as a little girl with her dolly, sucker and even a big silk bow in her hair.

     So for those of you who were on a search like I was, don’t give up I’ve at least found one.



  1. Replies
    1. We did have a great time and now I can scan all the photos I brought back home for future generations to enjoy.


Thank you for your comments and questions. I will respond as soon as possible.