Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolutions with some Reflections

     It’s time to welcome in the new year of 2013; I’m sure most of you already know that. I’m just trying to figure out if I’m supposed to reflect back on my two months of blogging. Maybe I should blog about my resolutions of what I hope to accomplish with my blog and genealogy research. Since I don’t have a lot of blogs to reflect back on why not combine both, the reflection and my resolutions.

     I wasn’t really sure about blogging when I was first approached; it was defiantly new and kind of scary for me, as some of you know. But a wise lady told me that you just have to jump in and give it a try, step out of your box. That I did and I’m so glad because I have truly enjoyed every aspect of it, as I hope you’ve gotten a joy out of reading my blog. I still have a few things to look into that I made reference to on previous post. Finding out more about the small cemetery our neighborhood, I still need to find a Halloween photo of my dad; I need to look into a “Military Genealogical Society”.  I think those are the stones left unturned that I still need to flip over, so I’ll carry those over to my resolutions for 2013. Reliving my Christmas past with the blog prompts from http://geneabloggers.com was very entertaining. There were so many things that I had forgotten about, the store front at Hutson’s, plastic bread bags on our feet and the Jell-O recipe. What’s nice is there were so many more memories that came to light and I enjoyed sharing those with my family, we all had a laugh or two.

     I, like all of you want to complete my genealogy research on my family and my husbands. As I said earlier I need to carry over the Halloween photo hunt for my dad, uncover the mystery of the neighborhood cemetery and look into that “Military Genealogical Society”. I hope to attend one of the large, informative, fun and wonderful genealogy conferences again this year either the NGS or FGS. Finish my genealogy class and take some additional genealogy classes. I plan on completing the scanning of all letters, diaries, photos and other documents that I’ve collected over the years. Then transcribing them for others to view, who knows maybe I have information on a surname you or someone you know might be searching for. I want to promote my blog, business and myself more in this coming year thru education with the youth, giving speeches, client work and through my blog. First and foremost have a blast doing all of it because without the fun and enjoyment of genealogy research it just becomes work and none of us like work.


  1. I've been blogging just over three months and like everything about it. My favorite blog (if I must say so myself) that I did this year was "An Early Christmas Gift." It was awesome to find a document about my gg grandfather just before Christmas. I wrote about in "An Early Christmas Gift." I was fun finding out about it, and so great to have people with whom I could share this early Christmas present. Happy New Year. Happy Blogging!

    1. Grant that sounds like a wonderful early Christmas gift. I will have to take a look at your blog and read that post, sounds great. Thank you for commenting on my blog and I wish you the same, have a wonderful New Year and Happy Blogging!


Thank you for your comments and questions. I will respond as soon as possible.