Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taste so good.

     Well http://geneabloggers.com  did it again they listed a blog prompt that I couldn’t pass up on. This prompt was about traditional dishes or unusual dishes your family served during the holidays. The traditional turkey or ham didn’t enter my mind, something unusual did.

     During Christmas we would alternate between our home and my grandparent’s. If I remember correctly, this dish made its first appearance while we were at my grandparents. It was a side dish, a festive color of red with a soft, fluffy white topping. No it wasn’t a red velvet cake, remember I said side dish. It was cold with a crunch yet salt bottom crust topped with a rich red strawberry Jell-O and the final layer was a cool whip topping. I don’t remember what it was called but I thought it was the strangest dish I had ever seen. But oh…my…gosh… it was delicious and I’ve tried and tried to make it hoping to add it to my family’s traditional holiday dinner.  I haven’t got it down yet my pretzels seem to lose that crunch and become soggy pieces of pretzels. I’ll get the hang of it and if it looks yummy I’ll have to take a picture and write down the recipe.

     I just had another quick thought about writing down those recipes. I know we are always looking for the documents and letters. Even the family bibles and journals that hold our families secrets but one of the best secrets are those made in the kitchen. Let’s not forget those and remember to write down the ingredients of those special dishes you prepare this holiday season. Our children even or grandchildren might what to carry on that family tradition, dish.

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