Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Day on the Radio

     All I can say is, WOW! For those of you who don’t know, earlier today I was a guest on the FGS Radio- My Society, hosted by Randy Whited and had a great time. The focus was on “Promoting Genealogy to a Larger Audience” and how my recent appearance on “How the States Got Their Shapes” episode “North vs. South” on H2 contributed to that for myself.

     We talked about my start into this wonderful world of genealogy and how it came about that I was on the show. Many thanks again to Kathleen Brandt, a3genealogy; I guess you could say she’s my serendipity.  Kathleen and I met while I was doing some research in Missouri at the Midwest Genealogy Center. She happened to be teaching a class that I attended and during some discussions we became friends and continue that friendship with a few states between us. For those of you who haven’t see the new format for the series on H2 I recommend that when you get a chance you should watch. The format has changed from what was in place last year; it’s more of a game show format, something like “Cash Cab”.  As with any game show format there’s competition. But you didn’t see   that with Kathleen and me, as Randy pointed out and he was dead on. He could tell we were genealogist because it was obvious because we didn’t care who won, it was all about helping each other out and having fun, as all genealogist do.

     My appearance on the show has opened new doors for me and it also helped me to consider new areas that I want to add to my list. Education is defiantly one; I have the opportunity to talk to some of the classes at my children’s elementary school. I plan on taking in some photos and letters along with a diary and explaining these items and the importance they hold. I hope to give them a fun activity to do during the holiday break that they can share with their family. Maybe a list of questions to ask some of their relatives, there are many stories out there that our relatives have and just need to be asked to share. I know for my own kids I plan on giving each of them a small tape recorder and conduct interviews with different family members. Then save it upload it to my computer so they not only have the story but they also have the voice. 

     Something else I plan on looking further into is the lack of a genealogy society for military installations. Myself being a military spouse and doing research I know there’s a need. I started my research while stationed overseas and in doing so I wasn’t aware of the wealth of support and knowledge these different societies have to offer. I guess if you started your quest into the world of genealogy and research before leaving the states then you would be aware of what they have to offer. But I and other like me who start this adventure while out of country find support thru the internet research, not the same. I would like for there to be a “Military Genealogy Society” in place for all of us. One that no matter where we move, and trust me we move a lot and too many different places, have the support and knowledge to offer us. I plan on making a connection with some of the different organizations on the installation, especially the museums which happen to be on almost every installation.  

     This isn’t the last time you will see me blog on these topics, I will keep you up to date on all. I have more to say about what I came away with today during FGS Radio show, but I think this might be enough for now. So make sure you check in tomorrow. There was something my daughter said I want to share with all of you. It will put a smile, children and the love they have for their parents.

     In case you missed today’s episode you can log onto the FGS web site and listen.

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