Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday - Ghostly Germans

If there was any photo of a tombstone I could find that would give me the heebie-jeebies this one would be it. The information I have on this photo is very limited. I’m still researching on the family.  This was one of the photos in an album I purchased while in Germany. So as you can imagine I’m still working on the German penmanship. I just couldn't resist posting this; I defiantly did a double take the first time I saw it.   


  1. Creepy & very cool all at the same time! Good luck figuring that one out.

  2. Thank you Rorey, you're right creepy and cool. The German handwriting is not the easiest to read. I have a few more pictures maybe those will help.


Thank you for your comments and questions. I will respond as soon as possible.