Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shaking a Leg

Some might feel as if this is a strange blog posting title, not really if you know me and what my life has been like this last year.  The last blog post was so long ago, how long you might ask well let’s just say Apple has come out with at least 2 new phones and tables and my favorite Samsung has come out with at least  4 phones, tables and even a talking watch. Okay if the tech reference isn't your cup tea then think of it this way 9+ holidays and 21 family birthdays and anniversaries have passed since my last post.  Yes I’m smacking the back of my own hand for becoming a “slacking genealogy blogger.” 

It has been a while but I have had a few changes and upgrades of my own.  Here’s a little catch up, I accepted the position as the president of the Montgomery County Historical Society in Clarksville, wrote a book that will be released later this year, continued to grow my business with new and returning clients, went through another military deployment, he returned home safely, gave a couple lectures on genealogy and watched three of my children finish their last year as elementary students and watched our oldest finish up his sophomore year.  Okay insert tissue break here. But wait I’m not finished I had to resign my position with the MCHS due to a move. That’s right I’m no longer posting blogs from Tennessee, as a military family we received orders for another move, so I ‘m posting all new blogs from Delaware. 

Now with boxes unpacked, pictures on the walls,  new driver’s license, kids registered at schools, and the welcome mat placed at the front door it’s time to “Shake a Leg” with my work and blogging. This isn't my first military move so I’ve been to this rodeo before, but a move with a home-based business now this is something new.  I have found there are a lot of small and big things that need to be done so I thought I would share some with you, granted this isn't a typical genealogy post but I hope some might find it helpful and some of you might have suggestions.  I did find it a must staying in touch with what’s happening in the genealogy world through social media during this move. Research the area that you will be relocating, find if there is a need for your business in that area and how far out you can market your services. While doing this also look at the different marketing strategies that you have access to, don’t be afraid to try something new. Find out about home-based business licenses, you might find that only one license is needed from your town/county or you might find multiple licenses are needed, town, county and state. While researching license requirements don’t forget to look at your new local tax laws. As much as we all like taxes not every state is the same, for example Delaware is a tax-free state. Now with the discussion of taxes and license out of the way you might want to pull out your old business plan and reevaluate what you have. Face it you are going to need to be some changes some small and some not so small but it’s important to have that updated business plan close by to work from. Don’t forget to update all of your contact information and your social media pages. 

Okay let me lighten this up some; setting up a new office space in your home can be fun and exciting.  You get a chance to reinvent yourself and your office space so take your time and have some fun with it. After all if it’s not a fun atmosphere that we are working in then we won’t want to work. Now that your office is set up, you know your new tax laws; your business license is displayed step outside and network.  Where do you go you might ask, everywhere.  Your neighbors, athletic centers, local church, schools, libraries, your local historical and genealogy societies, shoot visit the local paper they might be interested in showcasing your business , don’t limit yourself to the town you live in look at the county as a whole.  This is a new area for me and I’m sure it was for some of you. I know I’ll hit a few potholes in the road; I’ll just have to come up with creative ways to fill them in or simply drive around.  

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