Friday, August 22, 2014

"My Live Journal"....Diana Lewis and Some of Her School Years

Yesterday I was so happy to share some of the letters from a father to his daughter. In this post you will see a letter from a daughter to her father while she is away at camp. There are many things we try and accomplish through our lives and when it comes to our education we sometimes find ourselves reminiscing those years. Our years spent in elementary, middle and high school help to prepare us for our future and those are some of the best years. Luckily for Diana both her and her mother took time to fill in some of pages. There were a lot of loose papers, photos and newspaper clippings that were included in the purchase of this journal. I’ve included a few of those that that I felt pertained to this time period of Diana Lewis’s life.  I know there are many names listed in this post and as I said before I will at the end of the postings on “My Life Journal” I will post a list of all surnames, and yes they will be in alphabetical order. 

Photograph of pages 26 and 27

                                                        FIRST (OR DECIDUOUS) TEETH
                              1.       Central Incisor                                      1. Central Incisor
                                      Came in May 1945                                   Came in June 45
                               2.       Lateral Incisor                                       2. Lateral Incisor
                                       Came in June 45                                        Came in Feb 1945
                               3.       Cuspid
                                       Came out July 54
                               4.       First Molar
                                       Came out August 54
                                5.       Second Molar
                                        Came out August 54

                                    3. Cuspid                                                     3. Cuspid
                                         Came out August 54                                   Came out July
                                     2.  Lateral Incisor                                          2. Lateral Incisor
                                          Came in October 54                                   Came in July 45
                                      1. Central Incisor                                         1. Central Incisor
                                          Came in Feb. 1945                                      Came in May 1945

Photograph of pages 28 and 29

Photograph of pages 30 and 31
                                                            HOW I DRESSED
                                                                1 TO 6 YEARS
                                             My first real shoes August 23, 1945

Photograph of pages 32 and 33

Photograph of pages 34 and 35


Signature at 10 years Diana Lewis
I want to be a elementary school teacher

Photographs of pages 36 and 37

GRADES 1-2-3

Name of School Carter-Avery Harris
1st Grade entered at 6 years on the 21 day of Sept 1950
Teacher Miss Peterson    Mrs. Wyman   Mrs. Carney, Mrs. Ferguson

Name of School Mitchell
2nd Grade entered at 7 years on the 11 day of Sept 1951.
Teacher Miss Brion Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Carney

Name of School William Mitchell
3rd Grade entered at 8 years on the 7 day of Sept 1952
Teacher Miss Brion

Diane does lovely work and will be a very good reader. Helen Peterson Avery Gr. 1
(Worksheet found loose in the book.)

(Newspaper clipping found loose in the book.)

Dance Capades At Mansfield Friday Night

Mansfield – Claire’s Dance students will present Dance Capades of 1950 under the direction of Mrs. Clare O’Malley at the town hall tomorrow night.

The program follows: Welocme Douglas Maxwell; Tappin Tot, Rita Cill; Diminutive Tappers, Margo Barnes, Donna Greenwood, Cathy Kelso, Dinah Lewis, June Merrill, Janet Porter, Elaine Shaw, Janet Strople, Karen Wills, Carole Ann Witherspoon.

Military ensemble: A Bit of the Navy, Anthony Cahill, Alexander Chilli, Stephen Holt, Doughlas Maxwell, Leo Pepin, Robert D. Whaley jr.; March Militaire, Elizabeth Baker, Mary Jane Baker, Terre Chace, Diane Collins, Judith Dean, Elaine DePrizio, Joan Glogowski, Jean Hagerty, Jane Kelly, Diane Liberatore, Arlene Lonergan, Maureen Maxwell, Anita Pipn, Patricia Slattery, Catherine Vallett, Nancy Velletri, Carole Ann Witherspoon; Out of the Blue, Patricia Chandeler; On Parade, Virginia Cooper, Helen Goddard, Pat Gormley, Carole Holmes, Marge Knox, Patsy Whitehous; Taps Delux, Yvonne Frobel.

Cane Strut, Anne and Jane Sheehan; Dreamy Waltz, Nancy Carl; Tap Happy, Jean Agnew and Pat Wynn; Country Cousins, Elizabeth Baker, Mary Jane Baker, Anthony Cahill, Terre Chace, Alexander Chilli, Diane Collins, Jean Hagerty, Stephen Holt,  Diane Liberatore, Douglas Maxwell, Anita Pepin, Leo Pepin and Robert D. Whaley jr.

Crinoline Days, Janet Porter; Dying Swan, Elaine DePrizio; Hi-Steppers, Virginia Cooper, Helen Boddard, pat Gormley, Carole Holmes, Marge Knox, Margie Troupe, Jackie Vallett, Patsy Whitehouse; Sophisticated Swing, Judith Cahill, Patricia Chandler, Judith Dean, Yvonne Froebel, Jan Kelly, Maureen Maxwell, Susan Maxwell, Louise Mei, Anita Pepin, Ann Sheehan, Jane Sheehan, Patricia Slattery, Janet Velletri; Waltz Clog, Alexander Chilli, Dougas Maxwell, Leo Pepin, Robert D. Whaley jr.

Dancing Feet, Nancy Velletri; Shoe Shine Boys, Marge Knox and Pat Wynn; Hawaiian Maidens, Margo Barnes, Rita Cilli, Donna Greenwood, Cathy Kelso, Dinah Lewis, June Merrill, Janet Porter, Elaine Shaw, Janet Strople, Karen Will, Carole Ann Witherspoon.

Queen of the Islands, Diane Collins; Spring Song, Catherine Vallett; Toe Syncopation, Joan Glogowski; Accordion solo, Nancy Velletri; Tap Modern, Joyce Coleman.

Slaughter on 10th Avenue, Virginia Cooper, Helen Goddard, Pat Gormley, Carole Holmes, Marge Knox, Margie Troupe, Jackie Vallett, Patsy Whitehouse; Poetry on Toes, Nancy Carl; Ain’t She Sweet, Anthony Cahill, Alexander Chilli, Stephen Holt, Douglas Maxwell, Leo Pepin, Robert Whaley jr.

Putting on Airs, Anita Pepin, Petite Ballerina, Janet Velletri.

Ballet ensemble; Diane, Our Babies; Glow Worm, Elizabeth Baker, Mary Jane Baker, Terr Chace, Diane Collins, Jean Hagerty, Diane Liberatore, Marsha Lynn; Stardust, The Aristocrats; Waltz of the Flowers, Judith Cahill, Judith Dean, Alice Flynn, Jane Kelley, Arlene Lonergan, Maureen Maxwell, Susan Maxwell, Louise Mei, Berlgita Olsen, Anita Pepin, Anne Eheehan, Jane Sheehan, Patricia Slattery, Nancy Velletri, Eleanor Wynn.

Toe Sparklets, Patricia Chandler, Elaine DePrizio, Yvonne Froebel, Joan Glogowski, Catherine Vallett and Janet Velletri; Adagio, Joyce Colman and Charles O’Malley. . 

(Newspaper clipping found loose in the book, reverse side shows seventy-eight )

                                      LEARNING BOTANICAL ABC’S – Pupils at Mitchell school,
                                      Needham, take time out from routine study of the three R’s
                                       to broaden their knowledge of plant life and nature study.
                                       Doing their stuff here are (left to right) Leslie Bell, Deborah
                                       Stone, Diana Lewis, Richard Walsh, Kenneth Bosselman and
                                       Thomas Shepler. (Photo by Welsh).

               Budding Horticulturists
               Needham Elementary Pupils
               Mix 3 R’s with Plant Study

The Men’s Garden Club of Needham is now operating with
first-hand knowledge of nature study in Needham schools, thanks
to an interesting discussion on the subject at their recent meeting
by Leonard J. Savignano, Supervisor of Needham Elementary
Schools. The meeting was held at the home of Robert G. Haskell,
1227 Great Plan avenue.

Mr. Savignano explained that beginning with the second grade pupils are given two hours of instruction weekly in science and nature study consisting, necessarily, of very elementary matter at first, but broadened from year to year.
“Our schools are equipped,” said Mr. Savignano, “to show plant growth in all stages and under varying soil and moisture conditions. Gardens on the school grounds are prepared planted and cared for by the pupils.” He explained that particular emphasis is given to instruction in plant collections hobbies.
“Contrary to general thought,” he said, “plant and animal life studies in our schools are not made at the expense of the three R’s – rather they supplement the ordinary elementary school courses. They create in the young mind an appreciation of the beauty and usefulness of the wonders of nature, and a respect for the property of others.”
Mr. Savignano pointed out that another worthwhile result of the nature courses is their tendency to teach youngsters to do things for themselves – a sort of parallel to the group action learned in organized athletics by a smaller number of individuals.
Mr. Haskell, who was host to the members who met at his home, admitted that most of Mr. Savignano’s listeners had to look a long, long way back to remember their elementary school years.
“Most of us, though,” he said, “have children and grandchildren in whom we’re interested, and Mr. Savignano convinced us that they are receiving maximum benefit from our teachers in our school.”

                                                                 SLEEPING BEAUTY
                                                            by Grade 3

                                                (Found loose in the book.)
                                                    Narrators- Susan Park
                                                                       Debby Stone
                                                    King – Teddy Cook
                                                    Queen – Carol Whetham
                                                    Princess – Daina Lewis
                                                    Cook – Nancy Rodenhaven
                                                    Kitchen Boy Billy Bowen
                                                               Debby Stone
                                                        Nancy Rodenhaven
                                                         Diane Johannesen
                                          Collette Wood Bad Fairy Susan Park
                                                          Peter French Prince 

GRADES 4-5-6

Name of School Dwight
4th Grade entered at 9 years on the 9 day of Sept 1953.
Teacher Ms. Marion C. Hancock

Name of School Dwight School
5th Grade entered at 10 years on the 13 day of Sept 1954
Teacher Mrs. Bates

Name of School Dwight
6th Grade entered at 11 years 

(Both Certificates found loose in book.)

(Letter found written in pencil loose in the book.)
                                                                                                                                                  July 27, 1955
Dear Dad,
     I made eighty points on twenty yards in archery yesterday. No I am working for one hundred at twenty yards.
     We are going to have Counsel Fire tonight. When I get ten points I’ll get my orange feather. I know of six I am getting, and hope to get one in swimming, riding, and _______ cooperation also. The other six are: two in sleeping, one in vespers, one in archery, one on the mountain trip, and one on the overnight. At least by next week I’ll have an orange feather (I hope).
     When you come up would you please bring a skirt. There are supposed to be more dances next month. I got mommy’s letter today.
                                                                                                                Love Dianah
                                                                    P. S. I got exactly 80+ on 80 in archery.

 I don’t know about most of you when it comes to your baby books or those of your family members but these are precious treasures that can hold so much information. Don’t forget to include these in your research process, go back and give them a second or third look you might have missed something the first time you went through it. The rest of the pages in the book are blank, I will still post them for you to see no worries. But never fear as I’ve said before there are many loose items that came with the purchase of the journal and I will be posting more photos, newspaper clippings and some additional items including a marriage announcement for Diana Lewis. 

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