Friday, August 29, 2014

My Life Journal...Diana Lewis Active High School Years

Diana Lewis continued her involvement with extracurricular activities in and outside of school through her years in high school. She was active in raising money as a member of the Candy Canes,  a group of young women who give back to the Visiting Nurses in the community.  She continued to strive as an academic achiever. She was installed in the Order of  the Rainbow Girls, which is part of the Freemasonry. 

(Loose newspaper clipping found in book)

                         CANDY CANES AID VISITING NURSES- The Candy Canes, a group of High School
                                 Girls are seen here presenting a check to the Visiting Nurses at the community
                                  Center this week for the purchase of a porter lift and nursing bags. The money
                                  was made by the girls at their annual bean supper and bake sales. Check was for
                                 $315. First row: Nancy Mazzone, Karen Hebert, Linda Lapeza, Dianne Lewis;
                                 Second row; Brenda McSweeney, Mary Ellen Peterson, Judy Carrol, Gail Bieber,
                                 Jean Eaton, Martha Oakman; third row, Barbara Rider, Mary Lynn Shiring, Joan
                                 Cooper, Collette Wood, Mrs. Ann Francis, Supervisor of the Visiting Nurses As-
                                 sociation; Mrs. Lester C. Huse, president of the V.N.A.; Fran Donaghue and Cathy

(Loose newspaper clipping in book )
(Needham Times April 6th 1961)

GIRLS OF THE CANDY CANE CLUB recently presented to Needham Visiting Nurse Association a check to be used by VNA in buying portalift which will assist in handling patients suffering form certain types of illnesses. Te club members raised the money through projects carried on during the past year. Making the presentation to VNA President, Mrs. Leslie C. Huse, right is Club President Gail Bieber. At center is Mrs. Ann Francis, VNA nursing supervisor. Gathered to watch the ceremony are these club members. First row from bottom left to right, Judy Carroll, Linda Lapeza, Chris Leader. 2nd row, Jean Eaton, Diana Lewis, Debby Holt. Third row, Nancy Mazzone, Brenda McSweeney, Karen Hebert, Collette Wood, Nancy Palise, Barbara Rider. 4th row, Martha Oakman, Cathie Alexander, Nancy Brown, Joanne Cooper. Back row, Mary Lynn Shiring, Fran Donoghue, Mary Ellen Peterson, Phyllis Brauer and Sandy Schmalz. 

(Loose newspaper clipping found in book)
(Needham Times dated 28th September 1961)

Six High School Pupils Qualify
As Semi-Finalists In Merit Test
Principal Herry L. Walen of
 Needham High School an-
nounced yesterday that six of
the school’s students have been
given recognition for their high
achievement in the initial
stages of the seventh annual
National Merit Scholarship
  He said the students were
named Semifinalists in the
1961-62 Merit Program as a
Result of their outstanding per-
formance on the National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test.
They are Martha P. Burgess,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Samuel B. Burgess, 52 Walnut
street; Edward M. Cook, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Cook, 15 Parkinson street;
Robert A. Davidson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert A. Davidson,
40 Morton Street; Charles M.
Gallaher, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard S. Gallaher, 41 Lexing-
ton avenue; Peter D. Stynes,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Stynes, 112 Hoover road, and
Dennis B. Wilson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan J. Wilson, 95
 Fair Oaks park.
  These students are among
approximately 10,000 seniors
throughout the country who
attained semifinalist status
through their high scores on
(continued on Page Five)

The qualifying examination, a
test of educational development
given last March in more than
15,000 high schools.
  The semifinalist group is
composed of the highest scoring
students in each state and in
the United States territories.
Each semifinalist now moves a
step closer to winning a four
year Merit Scholarship to the
college of his choice.
  Besides the semifinalists
named above, fifteen students
qualified for letters of com-
mediation because of their high
standing in the examination.
These students are:
  Frances A. Donoghue, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Donoghue, 1058 Highland ave-
nue; David R. Eckhardt, sone of
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Eck-
hardt, 60 Eaton road; Laurence
A. Faiman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Falman, 12 Petrini Cir-
cle; John A. Gibson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William W. Gibson,
1 Emerson place; Harry P.
Hooper, son of Mrs. Wilhelmina
Hooper, 80 Stockdale road; Ken
E. Joy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth E. Joy, 147 Parker
road; Stephen F. Koch, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R Koch,
6 Savoy road.
  John P. Kelly, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John P. Kelly, 15 Richard
road; Diana Lewis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lewis,
3 Washington avenue; Stephen
J. McCarthy, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Robert V. Condon, 160
Great Plain avenue; Barbara R.
Pfeif, daughter of MR. Robert
E. Pfeif, Cornell road, Dover;
Susan C. Raymer, daughter of
Captian and Mrs. Jackson H.
Raymer, formerly of 84 Sylvan
road, and now of Newport,
R. L.; James A. Ritscher, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Geroge
Ritscher, 172 Highgate street;
Deborah Stone, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo E. Stone, 13
Fairlawan street; and Sherry F.
Toner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter J. Toner, 42 Oak-
hurst circle.
  The seminfinalists will take
another rigorous examination.
The three-hour Scholastic Apti-
tude Test of the Colllege En-
trance Examination Board, to
be given in testing centers
thought out the nation on
 December 2, 1961.
  Students whose scores on the
second test substantiate their
performance on the qualifying
test and who are endorsed by
their high schools will become
finalists in the completion. In
past years, more than 97 per-
cent of the semifinalists have
received a Certificatee of Merit
in recognition of their outstand-
ing performance in the program.
  As finalists, the students will
be eligible for scholarship
awards sponsored by about 130
business corporations, founda-
tions, associatins, individuals
and the Nations Merit Scholar-
Ship Corporation itself.
  In the final phase of the com-
petition, the high school grades,
extracurricular activities, school
citizenship, and leadership quali-
ties of the students will be
evaluated with their scores on
the tests.

(Loose in book)



Worthy Advisor..........Laura Hoyt
Associate Worthy Advisor.........Margaret Pandora
Charity.........Ann Albrect
Hope.........Jeanette Luke
Faith..........Joyce Bickford
Recorder.........Joan Chase
Treasurer........ Sheila Lucy
Chaplain..........Ruth Euranius
Drill Leader.........Susan Harring
Love..........Ellen Haley
Religion........Judy Robbins
Nature.......... Kathleen Fenton
Immortality.........Donna Chick
Fidelity.........Sharon Sturdivant
Patriotism.........Sheryl Thompson
Service..........Susan Ward
Confidential Observer........Terry Saunders
Outer Observer........Susan Reny
Musician.........Janie Hounsell
Choir Director..........Nancy Mason
Master councilor........Lyford Smith
Senior Councilor........David Wood
Junior Councilor........Stephen Rand
Senior Deacon.........Jerry West
Junior Deacon.........Michael Walker
Chaplain.........Robert Whitaker
Senior Steward........Hugh Emerson
Junior Steward........ Scott Smith
Treasurer.......Peter Robbins
Scribe.......Tim Davis
Marshall.......Donald Card
Sentinel........Robert Meserve
Standard Bearer........Fred Ela
Organist........Stephen Dore
Preceptor.......Paul Weld
Preceptor........Richard Mayo
Preceptor.......Robert Morse
Preceptor......Eric Morton
Preceptor......Elton Drew
Preceptor....... William Bean
Preceptor.........Phillip Thurston

Installing Worthy Advisor.......Vivian Morton
Installing Recorder.......Lynn Seidenstuecker
Installing Chaplain........Diana Lewis
Installing Marshall........ Susan Randall
Installing Musician.......Mary Sanborn
New Hampshire State Suite
State Master Councilor.....Walter Thyng
Mother Advisor for Rainbow Girls...Lillian Sullivan
Dad Advisor for Demolay Boys....Parker Morton
Flower Talk.........Ted Wentworth
Past Worthy Advisor.........Lynn Seidenstuecker
Past Master Councilor........George Morton

(Loose in book)

Needham Assembly No. 57
Order of the Rainbow
for Girls

Installation of Officers


Installing Officer
Virginia Sparkes
Past Worthy Advisor and G.R.
Needham Assembly No. 57

Installing Marshal
Past Worthy Advisor
Norwood Assembly No. 8

Installing Chaplain
Past Worthy Advisor
Needham Assembly No. 57

Installing Recorder
Member of Needham Assembly No. 57

Installing Organist
Member of Needham Assembly No. 57

Installing Soloist
Past Worthy Advisor
Needham Assembly No. 57

May – September, 1961
                                                                      Worthy Advisor                          Judy Allbee
                                                                      Worthy Associate Advisor       Judy McIntosh
                                                                       Charity                                         Catherine Kohl
                                                                       Hope                                             Diana Lewis
                                                                       Faith                                              Diane MacDonald
                                                                       Recorder                                       Marcia Colpas
                                                                       Assistant Recorder                    Carol Coumens
                                                                       Treasurer                                      Marci Rawlings
                                                                       Chaplain                                       Susan Gilpatrick
                                                                       Drill Leader                                  Jacquelyn Brown
                                                                      Musician                                       Marcia Sutherland

                                                                       Love                                           Judith Rowley
                                                                       Religion                                      Ethel Dutton
                                                                       Nature                                         Sandra Yueh
                                                                       Immortality                                 Barbara Rienstra
                                                                       Fidelity                                        Leslie Chamber
                                                                       Patriotism                                   Joyce Parsons
                                                                       Service                                        Marcia Towne
                                                                       Confidential Observer               Deborah Campbell
                                                                       Outer Observer                          Gaye McIntosh
                                                                       Color Bearer                               Beth Chase
                                                                       State Flag Bearer                       Frances Fernald
                                                                       Standard Bearer                        Mary Jane Daly
                                                                       Christian Flag Bearer                Jean Friswell
                                                                       Choir Director                           Wendy Bloom
                                                                        Page East                                   Sally Tarr
                                                                        Page West                                 Linda Roethlisberger
                                                                        Page North                                Virginia White
                                                                        Page South                                Bonnie Boermeester
                                                                        Reporter                                     Elizabeth McCulloch
                                                                        Historian                                    Dale Moses
                                                                        Sunshine Girl                             Betsey Cowles
                                                                        Keeper of the Lights                Karen Grinnell

                                                               Kathy Golden                   Mary Lu Young
                                                                               Janese DeVeer                  Penny Schneider
                                                                               Barbara Sheppard            Mary Brown

                                                                       Evelyn Austin, Chairman
                                                                            Lee Ann Morgan              Corrine Driscoll
                                                                           Sandra Hatch                   Nancy Jennings
                                                                                                 Sheila Robinson

                                                          Leslie Burkhardt               Carol Simpson
                                                                            Judy Farmer                        Patricia Nealand
                                                                            Martha Morrison               Deborah Davis
                                                                            Linda Murray                     Martha Johns
                                                                            Shirley Swanson                Martha Gibbs
                                                                           Martha Dickert                   Barbara Roper
                                                                           Beverly McNutt                 Nina Solar
                                                                           Jean Marsilli                       Kathy Dawson
                                                                           Gail Chorlton                      Linda Farwell
                                                                           Susan Clark                        Jean McLaughlin
                                                                           Jeanne Slaney                    Bettylou Mann
                                                                           Sara Goodall                      Judy Mullen
                                                                           Janet Fay                           Martha Fay
                                                                           Barbara Reynolds             Lynn Thorn
                                                                           Sherry Snyder                   Jeanne Kohl
                                                                           Lynnette Sherman            Sally Henderson
                                                                           Elaine Sjoquist                  Sandra Fernald
                                                                          Valarie Crispin                  Anne Henderson
                                                                          Mary Ann Phelps             Anna Loring
                                                                          Betsy Eckhardt                  Jane Weihe
                                                                          Susan Gooddard               Diane Randolph
                                                                                Marcia Vanelli

This concludes all of the content that was contained in Diana Lewis's book, that is through her school years. I do however have some additional photographs that I will post tomorrow that were loose  and taken randomly throughout her younger years. Following that post I will then share the last pieces of information that were in the journal, including her wedding announcement, wedding invitation and a Montreal newspaper clipping with about her future husband. Make sure to check back tomorrow and find out some more facts about Diana Lewis.  

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