Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Exhibit Hall Excitement

More Sessions Offered

With so many sessions to pick from how is a person to pick. This wasn’t my first rodeo, so to speak, I had an idea or two. After the day before focusing on social media, marketing, and building interest in my business website I switch it up. But before stepping into the sessions excitement had been building over the opening of the exhibit hall. This was the day they would open the doors at 9:30 before any sessions would begin.

Exhibit Hall Opening Day
FGS2017 Exhibit Hall Opens

Anatomy of a Pension File

Session Board
FGS2017 Thursday Session Board

“Anatomy of a Pension File” was the first session of the day for me. When it comes to obtaining, reading, and collecting all information in a pension file it can be trying. This was the first time I’ve seen Tony Burroughs, FUGA present and I’m glad I did.  Point number one he made was once you found an archivist to work with stick with them. Get to know them, how to contact them, and build a strong professional relationship. Also know they don’t work just solely for you there are others needing their assistance and advice. When requesting records if a FOIA request form is required be sure to fill it out completely the more information you provide the better.

How many times have you come across a green sheet of paper inserted in a pension file while researching? Strangely enough, I have and never questioned it. It’s blank so has no meaning to what I’m researching. It turns out that sheet of paper indicates someone else has reviewed that file. Are you aware of what the acronym SG stands for, Surgeon General? How about the difference between a T-288 and a T-289? Where do find them while researching from the internet? A T-288 is an alphabetical index by the last name located on Ancestry. It is a general index of the pension files between the years 1861-1934. On the other hand, the T-289 is a regimental index located on Fold3This index covers the years 1861-1900. I don’t want to forget to remind you to always check the dates on everything in the pension file, even the mailing envelopes.

Tony’s presentation was one of those unique ones where the time passes so fast you don’t realize the session is over. He brings knowledge, fun, and interest into the topic he is presenting on. I would defiantly attend any of his future presentations.

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