Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Spotting- Bolivar, TN

     I bet you thought I would forget to post some of those Saturday Spotting's, guess what I almost did. Sorry. I grabbed three clippings that I saw in the Bolivar Bulletin out of Bolivar, TN in 1866. If your like me all three of these will strike a different emotion, interesting, funny and disgust. But as I’ve said before we don’t have to like it or even agree with it but it was part of our ancestors lives and it might answer that question some of us are seeking and answer too.

The above clipping came out of the Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, TN 1866

The above clipping came out of the Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, TN 1866

The above clipping came out of the Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, TN 1866


  1. Now that I've seen "Lincoln" and know who old Thad. Stevens must be, I can understand the third article. Sadly and disgustingly.


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